Pour aller plus loin dans la connaissance de la grippe aviaire, consultez cette bibliographie complète.

  1. Abed Y, Hardy I, Li Y and Boivin G (2002). "Divergent evolution of hemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes in recent influenza A:H3N2 viruses isolated in Canada." Journal of medical virology 67(4): 589-595.
  2. Al Faress S, Cartet G, Ferraris O, Norder H, Valette M and Lina B (2005). "Divergent genetic evolution of hemagglutinin in influenza A H1N1 and A H1N2 subtypes isolated in the south-France since the winter of 2001-2002." J Clin Virol 33(3): 230-6.
  3. Amonsin A, Payungporn S, Theamboonlers A, Thanawongnuwech R, Suradhat S, Pariyothorn N, Tantilertcharoen R, Damrongwantanapokin S, Buranathai C, Chaisingh A, Songserm T and Poovorawan Y (2005). "Genetic characterization of H5N1 influenza A viruses isolated from zoo tigers in Thailand." Virology 344(2): 480-491.
  4. Baigent SJ and McCauley JW (2001). "Glycosylation of haemagglutinin and stalk-length of neuraminidase combine to regulate the growth of avian influenza viruses in tissue culture." Virus Res 79(1-2): 177-85.
  5. Baigent SJ and McCauley JW (2003). "Influenza type A in humans, mammals and birds: determinants of virus virulence, host-range and interspecies transmission." Bioessays 25(7): 657-71.
  6. Banks J, Speidel E and Alexander DJ (1998). "Characterisation of an avian influenza A virus isolated from a human : is an intermediate host necessary for the emergence of pandemic influenza viruses?" Archives of virology 143(4): 781-787.
  7. Banks J, Speidel ES, Moore E, Plowright L, Piccirillo A, Capua I, Cordioli P, Fioretti A and Alexander DJ (2001). "Changes in the haemagglutinin and the neuraminidase genes prior to the emergence of highly pathogenic H7N1 avian influenza viruses in Italy." Archives of virology 146(5): 963-973.
  8. Beby-Defaux A, Giraudeau G, Bouguermouh S and Agius G (2003). "La grippe humaine: aspects virologiques, épidémiologie et diagnostic virologique. (Influenza: virological aspects, epidemiology and virological diagnosis)." Médecine et maladies infectieuses 33(3): 134-142.
  9. Bright RA, Cho DS, Rowe T and Katz JM (2003). "Mechanisms of pathogenicity of influenza A (H5N1) viruses in mice." Avian Dis 47(3 Suppl): 1131-4.
  10. Cappucci DT, Jr., Johnson DC, Brugh M, Smith TM, Jackson CF, Pearson JE and Senne DA (1985). "Isolation of avian influenza virus (subtype H5N2) from chicken eggs during a natural outbreak." Avian Dis 29(4): 1195-200.
  11. Capua I and Alexander DJ (2002). "Avian influenza and human health." Acta tropica 83(1): 1-6.
  12. Castrucci MR, Donatelli I, Sidoli L, Barigazzi G, Kawaoka Y and Webster RG (1993). "Genetic reassortment between avian and human influenza A viruses in italian pigs." Virology : (New York, NY) 193(1): 503-506.
  13. Cheung CY, Poon LL, Lau AS, Luk W, Lau YL, Shortridge KF, Gordon S, Guan Y and Peiris JS (2002). "Induction of proinflammatory cytokines in human macrophages by influenza A (H5N1) viruses: a mechanism for the unusual severity of human disease?" Lancet 360(9348): 1831-7.
  14. Choi YK, Nguyen TD, Ozaki H, Webby RJ, Puthavathana P, Buranathal C, Chaisingh A, Auewarakul P, Hanh NT, Ma SK, Hui PY, Guan Y, Peiris JS and Webster RG (2005). "Studies of H5N1 influenza virus infection of pigs by using viruses isolated in Vietnam and Thailand in 2004." J Virol 79(16): 10821-5.
  15. Claas ECJ, De JJC, Van BR, Rimmelzwaan GF and Osterhaus ADME (1998). "Human influenza virus A/HongKong/156/97 (H5N1) infection." Vaccine 16(9-10): 977-978.
  16. Deshpande KL, Naeve CW and Webster RG (1985). "The neuraminidases of the virulent and avirulent A/chicken/Pennsylvania/83 (H5N2) influenza A viruses: sequence and." Virology 147(1): 49-60.
  17. Enserink M and Kaiser J (2004). "Virology. Avian flu finds new mammal hosts." Science 305(5689): 1385.
  18. Fouchier RA, Munster V, Wallensten A, Bestebroer TM, Herfst S, Smith D, Rimmelzwaan GF, Olsen B and Osterhaus AD (2005). "Characterization of a novel influenza A virus hemagglutinin subtype (H16) obtained from black-headed gulls." J Virol 79(5): 2814-22.
  19. Gambaryan A, Tuzikov A, Pazynina G, Bovin N, Balish A and Klimov A (2005). "Evolution of the receptor binding phenotype of influenza A (H5) viruses." Virology.
  20. Govorkova EA, Rehg JE, Krauss S, Yen HL, Guan Y, Peiris M, Nguyen TD, Hanh TH, Puthavathana P, Long HT, Buranathai C, Lim W, Webster RG and Hoffmann E (2005). "Lethality to ferrets of H5N1 influenza viruses isolated from humans and poultry in 2004." J Virol 79(4): 2191-8.
  21. Hatta M, Peng GAO, Halfmann P and Kawaoka Y (2001). "Molecular basis for high virulence of Hong Kong H5N1 influenza A viruses." Science : (Washington, D.C.) 293(5536): 1840-1842.
  22. Hilleman MR (2002). "Realities and enigmas of human viral influenza: pathogenesis, epidemiology and control." Vaccine 20(25-26): 3068-3087.
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  24. Horimoto T and Kawaoka Y (1994). "Reverse genetics provides direct evidence for a correlation of hemagglutinin cleavability and virulence of an avian influenza A virus." Journal of virology 68(5): 3120-3128.
  25. Hulse DJ, Webster RG, Russell RJ and Perez DR (2004). "Molecular determinants within the surface proteins involved in the pathogenicity of H5N1 influenza viruses in chickens." J Virol 78(18): 9954-64.
  26. Kawaoka Y, Krauss S and Webster RG (1989). "Avian-to-human transmission of the PB1 gene of influenza A viruses in the 1957 and 1968 pandemics." Journal of Virology 63(11): 4603-4608.
  27. Keawcharoen J, Oraveerakul K, Kuiken T, Fouchier RA, Amonsin A, Payungporn S, Noppornpanth S, Wattanodorn S, Theambooniers A, Tantilertcharoen R, Pattanarangsan R, Arya N, Ratanakorn P, Osterhaus DM and Poovorawan Y (2004). "Avian influenza H5N1 in tigers and leopards." Emerg Infect Dis 10(12): 2189-91.
  28. Kida H, Ito T, Yasuda J, Shimizu Y, Itakura C, Shortridge KF, Kawaoka Y and Webster RG (1994). "Potential for transmission of avian influenza viruses to pigs." Journal of general virology 75(p.9): 2183-2188.
  29. Kobasa D, Kodihalli S, Luo M, Castrucci MR, Donatelli I, Suzuki Y, Suzuki T and Kawaoka Y (1999). "Amino acid residues contributing to the substrate specificity of the influenza A virus neuraminidase." J Virol 73(8): 6743-51.
  30. Kobasa D, Takada A, Shinya K, Hatta M, Halfmann P, Theriault S, Suzuki H, Nishimura H, Mitamura K, Sugaya N, Usui T, Murata T, Maeda Y, Watanabe S, Suresh M, Suzuki T, Suzuki Y, Feldmann H and Kawaoka Y (2004). "Enhanced virulence of influenza A viruses with the haemagglutinin of the 1918 pandemic virus." Nature 431(7009): 703-7.
  31. Kuiken T, Rimmelzwaan G, van Riel D, van Amerongen G, Baars M, Fouchier R and Osterhaus A (2004). "Avian H5N1 influenza in cats." Science 306(5694): 241.
  32. Kuiken T, Rimmelzwaan GF, Van Amerongen G and Osterhaus AD (2003). "Pathology of human influenza A (H5N1) virus infection in cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis)." Vet Pathol 40(3): 304-10.
  33. Laver G and Garman E (2002). "Pandemic influenza: its origin and control." Microbes and infection 4(13): 1309-1316.
  34. Li Y, Lin Z, Shi J, Qi Q, Deng G, Li Z, Wang X, Tian G and Chen H (2006). "Detection of Hong Kong 97-like H5N1 influenza viruses from eggs of Vietnamese waterfowl." Arch Virol(Mar 13).
  35. Li Z, Chen H, Jiao P, Deng G, Tian G, Li Y, Hoffmann E, Webster RG, Matsuoka Y and Yu K (2005). "Molecular basis of replication of duck H5N1 influenza viruses in a mammalian mouse model." J Virol 79(18): 12058-64.
  36. Lindstrom SE, Cox NJ and Klimov A (2004). "Genetic analysis of human H2N2 and early H3N2 influenza viruses, 1957-1972: evidence for genetic divergence and multiple reassortment events." Virology 328(1): 101-19.
  37. Lipatov AS, Andreansky S, Webby RJ, Hulse DJ, Rehg JE, Krauss S, Perez DR, Doherty PC, Webster RG and Sangster MY (2005). "Pathogenesis of Hong Kong H5N1 influenza virus NS gene reassortants in mice: the role of cytokines and B- and T-cell responses." J Gen Virol 86(Pt 4): 1121-30.
  38. Maines TR, Lu XH, Erb SM, Edwards L, Guarner J, Greer PW, Nguyen DC, Szretter KJ, Chen LM, Thawatsupha P, Chittaganpitch M, Waicharoen S, Nguyen DT, Nguyen T, Nguyen HH, Kim JH, Hoang LT, Kang C, Phuong LS, Lim W, Zaki S, Donis RO, Cox NJ, Katz JM and Tumpey TM (2005). "Avian influenza (H5N1) viruses isolated from humans in Asia in 2004 exhibit increased virulence in mammals." J Virol 79(18): 11788-800.
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  56. Thanawongnuwech R, Amonsin A, Tantilertcharoen R, Damrongwatanapokin S, Theamboonlers A, Payungporn S, Nanthapornphiphat K, Ratanamungklanon S, Tunak E, Songserm T, Vivatthanavanich V, Lekdumrongsak T, Kesdangsakonwut S, Tunhikorn S and Poovorawan Y (2005). "Probable tiger-to-tiger transmission of avian influenza H5N1." Emerg Infect Dis 11(5): 699-701.
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