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-- Documentaire TV
« Dr Virus et Mr Hyde ». Documentaire de 52 minutes de Jean Crépu et Ali Saïb. (,view,19767,4,7,444,,,,3)
Outil pédagogique sur les virus :
- Angly, F.E., Felts, B., Breitbart, M., Salamon, P., Edwards, R.A., Carlson, C., Chan, A.M., Haynes, M., Kelley, S., Liu, H., Mahaffy, J.M., Mueller, J.E., Nulton, J., Olson, R., Parsons, R., Rayhawk, S., Suttle, C.A. and Rohwer, F. (2006) The marine viromesviromes of four oceanic regions. PLoS Biol, 4, e368.
- Clark, J.R. and March, J.B. (2006) Bacteriophages and biotechnology: vaccines, gene therapy and antibacterials. Trends Biotechnol, 24, 212-218.
de Parseval, N. and Heidmann, TT. (2005) Human endogenous retroviruses: from infectious elements to human genes. Cytogenet Genome Res, 110, 318-332.
Forterre, P. (2006) The origin of viruses and their possible roles in major evolutionary transitions. Virus Res, 117, 5-16.
- Hamilton, G. (2006) Virology: the gene weavers. Nature, 441, 683-685.
- Liu, T.C., Galanis, E. and Kirn, D. (2007) Clinical trial results with oncolytic virotherapy: a century of promise, a decade of progress. Nat Clin Pract Oncol, 4, 101-117.
- Pennisi, E. (2004) Evolutionary biology. The birth of the nucleus. Science, 305, 766-768.
- Saib, A. (2006) Les virus, inertes ou vivants? Pour La Science, 350, 60-64.
- Skurnik, M. and Strauch, E. (2006) PhagePhage therapy: facts and fiction. Int J Med Microbiol, 296, 5-14.
- Szelechowski, M. and Saib, A. (2005) Une nouvelle arme contre le cancercancer: bilan sur les virus oncolytiques. Virologie, 9, 261-271.
- Whitfield, J. (2006) Origins of DNADNA: base invaders. Nature, 439, 130-131.