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Mésange huppée. © Jaromír Soukup, <em>Wikimedia commons,</em> CC by-sa 4.0

Mésange huppée. © Jaromír Soukup, Wikimedia commons, CC by-sa 4.0

Pour approfondir l'étude de l'adaptation par la plasticité, voici quelques articles et ouvrages scientifiques :

  • Charmantier A, McCleery RH, Cole LR, Perrins CM, Kruuk LEB, Sheldon BC, 2008. "Adaptive phenotypic plasticity in response to climate change in a wild bird population". Science 320 : 800-803.
  • DeWitt TJ, Scheiner SM, 2004. Phenotypic plasticity: functional and conceptual approaches. New York : Oxford University Press.
  • Hüppop O, Hüppop K, 2003. "North Atlantic Oscillation and timing of spring migration in birds". Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 270 : 233-240.
  • Møller AP, 2001. Heritability of arrival date in a migratory bird. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, series B 268 : 203-206.
  • Nussey DH, Postma E, Gienapp P, Visser ME, 2005. "Selection on heritable phenotypic plasticity in a wild bird population". Science 310 : 304-306.
  • Stearns SC, 1989. "The evolutionary significance of phenotypic plasticity". BioScience 39 : 436-445.
  • Visser ME, Adriaensen F, van Balen JH, Blondel J, Dhondt AA, van Dongen S, du Feu C, Ivankina EV, Kerimov AB, de Laet J, Matthysen E, McCleery R, Orell M, Thomson DL, 2003. "Variable responses to large-scale climate change in European Parus populations". Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, series B 270 : 367-372.
  • Visser ME, Both C, Lambrechts MM, 2004. "Global climate change leads to mistimed avian reproduction". Advances in Ecological Research 35 : 89-110.
  • Visser ME, 2008. "Keeping up with a warming world; assessing the rate of adaptation to climate change". Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 275 : 649-659.